
Wanted: Ministry Innovators

By Bill Mowry October 12, 2023

It’s coming! October 17 is the release date for my newest book: The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground Wanted: Ministry Innovators Navigators’ founder Dawson Trotman, was a master ministry innovator. When someone mentions “The Navigators,” one image often comes to mind. “You’re the people who memorize the Bible.” Scripture memory is part of our culture, the DNA of our movement. How did it get started? Early in his Christian life, Trotman’s life was transformed by memorizing…

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Live Like a Culture Detective

By Bill Mowry September 28, 2023

Dinner at the Mowry home is a time for Peggy and me to catch up on our days. It was during a dinner conversation that Peggy jolted me with these words: “I’m going to resign my teaching position and find a job in a corporate setting. I want to live as a light among unbelievers rather than stay in the safety of a Christian school.” I was surprised. I knew how much Peggy enjoyed teaching in a Christian school. She loved the relationships with her…

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Here I Come to Save the Day! 

By Bill Mowry September 14, 2023

(Mighty Mouse and Leadership) Interviewing prospective staff for our regional Navigators team was always a collaborative process. As was our custom, the team met prior to the interview to discuss the questions we would ask the applicant. We identified the usual ones: “What are your strengths?” “Tell us about your past ministries,” and “What is your ideal working situation?” One question, though, jumped out from all the rest. “If you could describe yourself as a cartoon character, which character would you choose and why?” was…

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Class is Always in Session (even in a hair salon)

By Bill Mowry August 31, 2023

After years of receiving bad haircuts, I decided to entrust my hair to a hair stylist. Nicky was my wife’s stylist so I made an appointment with her. We soon hit it off. It turned out that she was launching a second career as a life coach. While cutting my hair, we talked about coaching and learning. During one of our conversations, I had a sudden flash of inspiration. “You know Nicki, this ten-foot-square solon is your classroom.” “I never thought of it this way,…

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Behind Every Ministry Stands This Woman

By Bill Mowry August 10, 2023

Who is this woman? I want you to meet my life and ministry partner. You will enjoy her. She’s peaceable, gentle, open to reason, and full of mercy and good fruits. Without her partnership, my life and ministry would have taken some very different turns. If you guessed my wife Peggy, you’re partly right. Who is this other partner? Her name is Wisdom and she’s stood behind my ministry for nearly fifty years. What distinguishes this woman? Wisdom in the Bible is personified as a…

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Who Wants to Live Like a Palm Tree?

By Bill Mowry July 20, 2023

3 Principles to Age Well This isn’t a promotion for a time-share in Florida; the place where palm trees grow. A palm tree is a biblical picture for successful aging. The Psalmist describes how the godly in old age “will flourish like a palm tree . . . still bearing fruit in old age” (Psalm 92:12, 14).  No matter our age we should be preparing for the palm tree life. Three simple principles can help us age well — principles not only for us seniors…

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Choose a New Playing Field of Faith

By Bill Mowry July 6, 2023

Choosing the right playing field for a sport is a no-brainer. We don’t play basketball on a baseball diamond. However, when it comes to the playing field of faith, I think there are two fields we can play on but one field tends to dominate our playing time. In my normal prayer gatherings, I find that nearly 100% of the prayer concerns that I and others express are what I call “prayers of circumstance.” This is the playing field of everyday life. We’re immersed in…

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Let’s take fellowship a step higher and call it disciplemaking!

By Bill Mowry June 23, 2023

I’m always looking for new pictures to express familiar truths. Here’s a new image to capture disciplemaking: “Disciplemaking is an elevated form of fellowship.” I’ve been pondering this statement from our former U.S. Director Alan Andrews for years. I’ve come to this conclusion: “Alan, you’re right!” And here’s why. Fellowship, not discipleship, is the over-whelming theme of the epistles. There are no commands to make disciples and the word “disciple” is not found in the epistles outside of a reference to the original twelve. What…

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Life is Like an Art Gallery: Picture #4 – Three Ways to Leave a Traffic Circle

By Bill Mowry June 8, 2023

Our lives are full of images — pictures of heartache, love, and faith. Jesus used pictures extensively. They were more than power point images to illustrate the main points of his sermons. Jesus used pictures because they suggest truth rather then spell it out; they evoke faith instead of explaining faith. Ultimately, they catch us by surprise. This blog is the last of my four life pictures — images that the Lord has used to suggest growth and to evoke new ways of living. All…

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Timothy Keller by Collin Hansen

By Bill Mowry May 25, 2023

When I first wrote this “What I’m Reading” blog I never imagined it would serve as a testimony to Timothy Keller’s life and ministry. Like many of you, I was saddened to hear of his recent death. Keller’s writing and teaching ministry had a profound impact on the church in the first decades of the twenty-first century. Hansen doesn’t paint an intimate portrait of Keller but explores the development of his thought life and teaching. I didn’t walk away understanding how he parented his children,…

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