A Wrong Disciplemaking Assumption and 3 Ways to Overcome it

A Wrong Disciplemaking Assumption and 3 Ways to Overcome it

It was “deja vu all over again.” I had the same conversation on two successive days with two different pastors on two different continents! Both pastors were making the same assumption and I could predict the outcome of their actions. What was the assumption? They assumed that if you provided the right instruction (on disciplemaking) you would get the…

Let’s Go Gray! 5 Ways Seniors Move Ministry Forward

Let’s Go Gray! 5 Ways Seniors Move Ministry Forward

Covid changed Peggys and my television viewing habits. I’m not sure why or how it happened but we’re now fans of HGTV, the Food Channel, and almost anything British on the Acorn channel. We’re drawn to the British detective shows. One show was a favorite until they featured a murder in an elderly residence home….

Six Dance Steps for Teaching and Discipling Adults

Six Dance Steps for Teaching and Discipling Adults

Television runs on the tracks of trends. One current trend is a variation of the ballroom dance. We love to watch minor celebrities, athletes, or politicians learn the intricacies of ballroom dancing. A fundamental rule of ballroom dancing is that someone must lead. Teaching is like ballroom dancing where the teacher leads, and the learner…

Putting the “W” Back Into Meditation

Putting the “W” Back Into Meditation

Meditation has permeated our culture.  Commercials and advertisements feature people in yoga classes practicing meditation. The New York City School System sets aside time at the beginning of the day for students to practice mindfulness and deep breathing to counter stress. The medical field promotes meditation as a “simple, fast way to reduce stress.” According…