Why is a good Baptist boy like me celebrating Lent?

Why is a good Baptist boy like me celebrating Lent?

I generally don’t pay much attention to the ancient church calendar. I’m not sure all the reasons why but the worship circles I frequently populate do not put an emphasis on the church calendar particularly Lent. But something is changing for me. I’ve been awakened to think of these church seasons in a new way…

The most important question is the second one . . . and other lessons for disciplemakers.

The most important question is the second one . . . and other lessons for disciplemakers.

Forty years is a big gap to bridge. I met Jim when he was nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jim is now sitting across from me in restaurant as a late middle-aged man with children in college. What a difference forty years make! When I meet alumni from our former collegiate ministries,…

Reading for Racism

Reading for Racism

Eternity’s population will look very different from my hometown. My farming community in northern Ohio did not attract African Americans or other people of color. I grew up in a culture where everyone looked like me. College was no better in the late 1960s. There were few African American students on campus and no black…