Dave Has Pitched His Tent in a New Spot — Eternity

Dave Has Pitched His Tent in a New Spot — Eternity

Who takes down a tent and pitches it in a new location in December? My friend Dave Johnson did. When the Apostle Paul speaks of his death, he refers to it as “departing to be with Christ” (Philippians 1:23). This word “depart” pictures striking camp, pulling up the tent pegs to move on. What a…

The most important question is the second one . . . and other lessons for disciplemakers.

The most important question is the second one . . . and other lessons for disciplemakers.

Forty years is a big gap to bridge. I met Jim when he was nineteen years old and a freshman in college. Jim is now sitting across from me in restaurant as a late middle-aged man with children in college. What a difference forty years make! When I meet alumni from our former collegiate ministries,…

Reading for Racism

Reading for Racism

Eternity’s population will look very different from my hometown. My farming community in northern Ohio did not attract African Americans or other people of color. I grew up in a culture where everyone looked like me. College was no better in the late 1960s. There were few African American students on campus and no black…

A Wrong Disciplemaking Assumption and 3 Ways to Overcome it

A Wrong Disciplemaking Assumption and 3 Ways to Overcome it

It was “deja vu all over again.” I had the same conversation on two successive days with two different pastors on two different continents! Both pastors were making the same assumption and I could predict the outcome of their actions. What was the assumption? They assumed that if you provided the right instruction (on disciplemaking) you would get the…

Let’s Go Gray! 5 Ways Seniors Move Ministry Forward

Let’s Go Gray! 5 Ways Seniors Move Ministry Forward

Covid changed Peggys and my television viewing habits. I’m not sure why or how it happened but we’re now fans of HGTV, the Food Channel, and almost anything British on the Acorn channel. We’re drawn to the British detective shows. One show was a favorite until they featured a murder in an elderly residence home….

Six Dance Steps for Teaching and Discipling Adults

Six Dance Steps for Teaching and Discipling Adults

Television runs on the tracks of trends. One current trend is a variation of the ballroom dance. We love to watch minor celebrities, athletes, or politicians learn the intricacies of ballroom dancing. A fundamental rule of ballroom dancing is that someone must lead. Teaching is like ballroom dancing where the teacher leads, and the learner…