Wanted: Ministry Innovators

It’s coming! October 17 is the release date for my newest book: The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground Wanted: Ministry Innovators Navigators’ founder Dawson Trotman, was a master ministry innovator. When someone mentions “The Navigators,” one image often comes to mind. “You’re the people who memorize…

Here I Come to Save the Day! 

Here I Come to Save the Day! 

(Mighty Mouse and Leadership) Interviewing prospective staff for our regional Navigators team was always a collaborative process. As was our custom, the team met prior to the interview to discuss the questions we would ask the applicant. We identified the usual ones: “What are your strengths?” “Tell us about your past ministries,” and “What is…

Let’s take fellowship a step higher and call it disciplemaking!

Let’s take fellowship a step higher and call it disciplemaking!

I’m always looking for new pictures to express familiar truths. Here’s a new image to capture disciplemaking: “Disciplemaking is an elevated form of fellowship.” I’ve been pondering this statement from our former U.S. Director Alan Andrews for years. I’ve come to this conclusion: “Alan, you’re right!” And here’s why. Fellowship, not discipleship, is the over-whelming…

Life is Like an Art Gallery: Picture #4 – Three Ways to Leave a Traffic Circle

Life is Like an Art Gallery: Picture #4 – Three Ways to Leave a Traffic Circle

Our lives are full of images — pictures of heartache, love, and faith. Jesus used pictures extensively. They were more than power point images to illustrate the main points of his sermons. Jesus used pictures because they suggest truth rather then spell it out; they evoke faith instead of explaining faith. Ultimately, they catch us…