Putting the “W” Back Into Meditation

Putting the “W” Back Into Meditation

Meditation has permeated our culture.  Commercials and advertisements feature people in yoga classes practicing meditation. The New York City School System sets aside time at the beginning of the day for students to practice mindfulness and deep breathing to counter stress. The medical field promotes meditation as a “simple, fast way to reduce stress.” According…

We Wish You an AWE-full Christmas!

We Wish You an AWE-full Christmas!

The promise of being filled with awe is present every Christmas. This holiday surrounds us with beauty —  festive lights, up-lifting music, and the art of the Christmas card. Even in an increasingly faith-less culture, Jesus is still present. But is the Christmas experience always AWE-full? I must be honest. Sometimes it’s not for me….

Why write another book on leadership?

The Ways of the Leader: Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground is now available to order on navpress.org or amazon.com. “There’s no shortage of leadership books today. So, why are you writing another one, Bill?” If leaders are honest, they realize that most books on leadership do not address their local challenges. Too often…