Welcome to the Alongsider World

Disciplemaking for Everyday Believers


I write to encourage and equip everyday Christians to make disciples and live on mission where they live, work, or play.


I help churches and ministries build disciplemaking cultures that moves disciplemaking from the margins to the mainstream.


I come alongside everyday leaders helping them live fruitful and faithful lives through a life and ministry plan.


Bill Mowry

Author • Teacher • Coach

The alongsider world is Jesus’s world, a place where disciples are developed in relational, intentional, and biblical ways. The alongsider world is wherever everyday Christians live, work, play, or worship.

In the alongsider world, everyday Christians walk next to friends helping them do a few simple lifestyle practices -- focus on Jesus, engage with the Scriptures, encourage accountability, application, affirmation, and live on mission.

I’m Bill Mowry and I’m a practitioner in the alongsider world. I live in Columbus, Ohio with my wife Peggy and our dog Ginger. We serve with The Navigators Church ministries, helping churches around the world multiply disciples through disciplemaking cultures. My contribution to Jesus’s alongsider world is through writing, teaching, and coaching.

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Imagine kissing someone through a pane of glass.

Imagine kissing someone through a pane of glass. What a funny image! Who would do that? We might blow a kiss to someone as they walk away. We might jokingly imitate a kiss to another through a glass window. But no two people would exchange a purposeful kiss through glass, especially when the real thing…


Why is a good Baptist boy like me celebrating Lent?

I generally don’t pay much attention to the ancient church calendar. I’m not sure all the reasons why but the worship circles I frequently populate do not put an emphasis on the church calendar particularly Lent. But something is changing for me. I’ve been awakened to think of these church seasons in a new way…


Holding is What Disciples Do

The Bible is a book about holding. Now, this shouldn’t surprise us since we all hold things. Holding on to something is a natural part of life.  We hold in a variety of ways, and with a variety of people. Holding can be an intellectual activity: “I finally got ahold of geometry.” Holding is a…

Preorder Bill's Newest Book!

The Ways of the Leader

Coming in April, 2025. My latest book with Navpress — Holding the Word. Check out the information page on this website. You can pre-order at Navpress.org or on Amazon.