Chapter One Training Tip: Assessing My Life As An Alongsider
Alongsiders practice some simple skills and embrace some key values. How would you assess your life as an alongsider? In this video Bill explains the key qualities of an alongsider and instructs how to complete the Alongsider Assessment at the end of chapter one.

Chapter One Training Tip: How To Practice Obedience Through Personal Application
One mark of a disciple is obedience. In this training video, Bill demonstrates how to help someone learn to meditate and apply the Bible in practical ways. Application is woven into every chapter of The Ways of the Alongsider. This video corresponds with the Alongsider Tool Box at the end of chapter one.

Chapter Two Training Tip: Helping Someone Spend Time With God
Alongsiders come next to people to help them grow in their walk with God. A simple discipline to help a disciple grow is a daily time with God. In this video, Bill explains how to help someone develop a daily habit of meeting with God. Tip #1 corresponds with Chapter Two in The Ways of the Alongsider.

Chapter Three Training Tip: The Power Of Selection
Alongsiders practice the power of selection. They look for people who have a heart to grow and take time to relationally invest in these men and women. What do you look for in this selection process? In this training video, Bill illustrates how Jesus selected His disciples and provide some practical means to discern who to invest our lives in. This video corresponds with the Alongsider Tool Box in chapter three.

Chapter Four Training Tip: Praying In Macro Ways
Alongsiders are committed to prayer — praying at both the micro and macro level. What do we mean by “macro praying?” In this video, Bill explains the biblical principle of macro praying and how to help people pray in macro ways. This video corresponds with chapter four.

Chapter Five Training Tip: Sharing Our Faith Stories
Sharing our faith stories is a great tool to develop authentic relationships of transparency and vulnerability. In this training video, Bill explores the power of a faith story and how to use faith stories in coming alongside others. This training tip corresponds with chapter five.

Chapter Six Training Tip: Going Deep With People One-on-One
We practice going deep with people when we meet with him or her one-on-one. This personal investment of time can be a transformative practice. In this video, Bill explains the principles and practices of how to spend one-on-one time with people. This video corresponds with chapter six.

Chapter Seven Training Tip: How To Meditate On The Scriptures
There is always an open Bible between an alongsider and the person they are discipling. Alongsiders do more than just help read the Bible. They teach people how to meditate on the Scriptures. In this training video, Bill demonstrates a simple process to help someone learn how to meditate on the Bible. This video corresponds with chapter seven.

Chapter Eight Training Tip: Using Questions to Create Disciplemaking Conversations
The way of discovery means asking powerful questions. This video illustrates how to use questions in a disciplemaking conversation. You will learn the difference between a social, supportive, and disciple making conversation and how to use questions in each conversation.

Chapter Nine Training Tip: Giving Affirmation
Affirmation is part of the “triple play” that alongsiders do in discipling others. This video provides motivation and practical tools for practicing God-centered affirmation. It corresponds with chapter nine in The Ways of the Alongsider.

Chapter Ten Training Tip: The Process of Evangelism
Evangelism is often a process of moving people through relationships to interest, insight, and conviction. This video explains this process and provides practical helps to relationally engage people where you live, work, or play. This video corresponds to chapter 10 in The Ways of the Alongsider.

You’ve finished the book. What’s next?
You’ve finished The Ways of the Alongsider. What’s next? Pages 115-116 in the book describes a process to develop a simple action plan to put the alongsider principles into action. You will discover how in this video to recruit a discipleship triad or how to meet with someone one-on-one.