
Doug Nuenke
U.S. President of The Navigators

Bill Mowry writes with winsome clarity about a subject that is near to the heart of God and invites us into the ways of Jesus Christ. No other topic reflects more fully the life and purposes of Jesus than His focus on helping everyday people walk with God and reflect His character. Bill makes it…

Patti Damiani
Woman’s Leader and Speaker, Relational Wisdom Coach

As an experienced disciplemaker, this book provides both clarity and simplicity to a process that can easily become complex and intimidating. Bill Mowry does well in unpacking the simple relational dynamics that make a disciplemaking relationship so transformational. If you are looking to grow as a disciplemaker, this is one of the best books available…

Matt Reynolds
President, Spirit and Truth Ministries

After seeing the dead end of church life driven by constant programming and new gimmicks, I believe American Christians are beginning to rediscover the beautiful simplicity of Jesus’ method of disciplemaking. Walk With Me is a practical guide for this journey. With decades of hands-on experience, Bill Mowry offers practical advice and helpful stories about learning how…

Brent Miller
Lead Pastor, Linworth Baptist Church, Worthington, OH

In a Christian culture where disciplemaking has been relegated to professionals, Bill Mowry has revealed from Scriptures that making disciples is something every follower of Jesus can do and should do! Bill is not only an author but a practitioner I have observed firsthand in the context of our local church. I invite you to…

Chris Houts, MD

I had never heard of a LifeCoach until about a decade ago when in a conversation with Bill he wisely prescribed a LifeCoach (himself) for me. I’m quite grateful for Bill’s skillful mentoring and encouragement impacting my life at a significant crossroads. His coaching helped give direction that clarified my life version and my God-given contribution. I’m…

Randy McCooeye
Senior Pastor, Bilberry Baptist Church, Orleans, Ontario

After over twenty-plus years of pastoral ministry, I realized I was missing a piece of the ministry puzzle — making disciples. Working with Bill Mowry has helped us rearrange and put in order the puzzle pieces for a disciplemaking church. Bill came alongside us and helped us understand the need for and gave us the…